Timeline :
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 9AM - 12PM
Property Address :
13991 Evergreen Detroit, Michigan 48223
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Work Order Details :
Quote - replacing drywall in several areas within the church was water damaged - bill thomas will show you the areas needed work on
Access & Contact Info :
313-407- 0874 (bill Thomas) also can call Hilda 3139189144
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Your Quote :
$15,250 - $20,450
Quote Details :
Study Hall
-Wall 1 17x10
-Wall 2 29x10
-Inside office area 20x10
-Outside office wall 15x10
Hang drywall and apply mold/mildew remover/blocker. add 2x4's to walls to space block from drywall. I would recommend adding form board insulation between block walls and drywall.
= with insulation $6,500. Without insulation 3700. With only drywall on wall 1 and all the others mentioned just treated and painted 2500.
Office/Pastor Room
-16x10 wall
-20x10 wall
Treat, scrape and paint cost = 2500
Treat, scrape, and Drywall mud & tape = 3700
-roughly 16x12
-roughly 14x8
Treat, scrape and paint=2250
-Patch and skim wall 24x9
-ceiling 16x17 area cut and patch
-Just paint on 3 block walls. 2 walls 40' and 1 wall 24'
-patch some ceiling damage within room
Treat, scrape, skim 1 wall, repair ceiling damage and paint all walls and ceiling. plus rubber baseboard=6500
Sunday school room
- 55x9 wall
-61x9 wall
Both walls have damage due to moister buildup on blocks. 7'x 9' area need to be treated/scraped and sealed. Paint both walls=1500
* Suggestion is to use a dehumidifier in this area and dig on the out side of both walls where the moister damage keeps reoccurring. Tare and adhere formboard to wall.
If you have budget restrictions and or concerns, please reach out so we can restructure a better plan to fit your needs.
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Chat With Admin
Admin : Hi dwayne we need a solid number here please provide your final cost for this job
🟢 Admin : Hi dwayne we need a solid number here please provide your final cost for this job
🔴Dwayne Moton Jr : Call me so I can explain. They asked me to write it up like this for them.
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